Fashion Science (ningbo) Co., Ltd.
Sản Phẩm chính: Ổ Cắm hẹn giờ, Hẹn Giờ Chuyển Đổi, Wifi Ổ Cắm, Wifi Chuyển Đổi, Nhanh Chóng sạc
Quy trình sản xuấtCustomization and processing of timing socket
We have over 20 years experience in design and manufacturingf electrical accessories. Our factory has been accredited toCCC and IS09002 approval. We specialize in fabrication of metaland plastic (including thermo-set and thermoplastic) parts fromaw materials to finished products. Facilities and capabilities todesign and develop new products to meet OEM projectequirements,from conceptual design to final productionmplementation. We have a well-equipped in-house engineeringool shop and testing laboratory. We follow the latest changes inublished safety standards and European regulations to ensurehat capabilities are maintained to market requirement.
Topsales products
Hẹn giờ Ổ Cắm
Wifi Socket
Timer Switch

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